Lowrider Bikes

Livin' low, Gettin' low on lowrider bikes

Archive for the ‘lowrider bikes’ Category

Some cool schwinn lowriders

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schwinn lemon peeler lowrider

I got it from forum, beautiful bicycle huh, I just love to watch it especially the yellow one. Those all bicycle released by Schwinn with so many variants such as Lemon Peeler, Run-A-About, Cotton Picker, Fastback, and also Stingray. There’s an interesting bike right here check out the pic, the bike had unusual handler on it, something like this also attract people to itchy, now I wonder how does it feels when I taking that bike, it must be fun.

schwinn lowrider

schwinn lowrider

schwinn lowrider

schwinn lowrider

schwinn lowrider

schwinn lowrider

Written by qtechmaria

October 5, 2010 at 1:14 pm

Lowrider – Chopper Chrome Stingray Frame

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Lowrider - Chopper Chrome Stingray Frame

There is a picture that explain to you, how lowrider bike is builded, it used a schwinn frame stingray exactly and you can see there a bit chrome and chopper and turn it into a kick ass lowrider, and the last pic is a bonus,  😀

Schwinn stingray chopper chrome Schwinn stingray chopper chrome Schwinn stingray chopper chrome Schwinn stingray chopper chrome Schwinn stingray chopper chrome

Written by qtechmaria

September 15, 2010 at 7:19 am

The Hulk lands on the street

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The Hulk lands on lowrider bikesThe Hulk lands on lowrider bikes

One of the bicycle which is owned by someone who joined the club in Riverside California. The owner gave the name of Hulk, whatever its name, the bike looks sick. If we look at the grating wheel of a bicycle are all twisted. You know that there are only a few people who can do it perfectly, you know where that was. I am not able to talk a lot about one of the vendors that offer twisting service.

Written by qtechmaria

June 7, 2010 at 2:01 pm

Posted in lowrider bikes

Lowrider Bikes Back Then

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lowrider bikes

Low riding began as a cultural aspect of Chicano Americans, allotment of the artery ability of the American barrio area Mexican immigrants maintained an active urban culture. Lowrider bikes, one of a lot of baroque and different articles of this culture, are a cantankerous amid the Harley and the cruiser bike, busy with acrylic and chrome and streamers, begin in any all-American hometown parade.

As you ability surmise, lowriding bikes hug the ground. The accomplished credibility on a lowrider bike are about consistently its two duke grips, just like you ability acquisition on its automatic cousin, the Harley motorcycle. The bench of a lowrider bike is down at caster akin and its pedals are sometimes college than the seat! These bikes are about a awful abundant creation. A lot of them are ridden with astronomic pride by their creators, although you can buy some accepted models and a few busy models in a acceptable bike store, abnormally in cities of the American West.

Written by qtechmaria

July 13, 2009 at 1:39 pm